Law is an exciting career option for youth as it offers satisfaction, intellectual, exercise and recognition, being a lawyer is one of the best ways to help those who have suffered injustice. It also offers an opportunity to build and reshape the Socio-Political fabric of the country, using the Legal System. Law provides a voice to the one who has been treated unfairly by the system. Lawyers are also leaders who are at the interface of the Legal System with other sections of society and governance. Being a lawyer is more than a job.

Young students not to be fixated on a particular Institution while choosing Law. They should realize that they are choosing a profession and a field of study related to that. They are not choosing a particular Institute.

Young lawyers, including those from Law Schools, were in various professions, including Social Activism, Corporate Law, In-house Legal Counsel and Civil services. Some had become entrepreneurs and even authors.

It is obvious that success was easy for young lawyers with a godfather or those from families with lawyers. However, there are a large number of first-generation lawyers, citing their own example. Lawyers can do that by converting their disadvantage into an advantage of experiencing everything first hand and developing courage and confidence.


                                                                                                  Aditya Sondhi